Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Starting Seeds - Step One

It did rain night before last like I was hoping in the last post. I woke up to the light tapping of raindrops of the trailer roof and I was so excited...In my wildest dreams I would love to see little baby leaves peaking out in a week or two. Well see... meanwhile...

Despite my enthusiasm for getting seeds in the ground, I have been encouraged to start seeds inside until our nights were not so frosty. This is what I'm going to do today.

Again I'm using seeds from last year... this year's gardening season hasn't officially started yet, so I'll probably need to wait a month to get decent new seeds.

Until then, I'm going to start the following from my seed stash: jelly bean tomatoes, big boy tomatoes, and yellow sweet corn. My step one will be to soak these seeds overnight to give them a bit of a head start.

I also wanted to talk about what I'm using for containers. They are re-purposed food containers. If they are sturdy and have no holes, many food containers can be re-purposed for your own food storage or other uses, like gardening. This year, my seed starter/indoor garden containers include those coming from frozen foods, mushrooms, sour cream and spinach.

Tonight the seeds will soak. Tomorrow they get dirty, and I have another re-purpose item to use that may surprise you.

Until tomorrow.

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