Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time to Get Dirty!

 The garden plot awaits. Nut has tilled it for me so it's time for some seeds to be planted. Even though I'm starting with seeds I still had from last year, they are for cool weather greens so I'm hoping at least something will come up. Also, there is a possibility of rain tonight, so this feels like a good day to do some planting.

On our gardening menu for today, includes spinach and collard greens. I'm not always a big fan of perfect rows, especially in small plots, so I will plant a light scattering of both seeds. The area being planted is 3' by 4'. I'm not worried that they will be mixed. I use both types of greens interchangeably when they are young, and when they are large enough to be a cooked vegetable, it's easy to see the difference in the leaves.

Nut and I fashioned a fence around the plot... it's not much, but it will be enough. Tuckie has had a few months of freedom, running through this plot, this will deter him.

Gardening 2012 has started!

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