Thursday, December 15, 2011

Loosening the Mind

Everyone's holiday season is different, whether it's Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years. One thing that is constant is stresses of many shapes and sizes that seem to accompany these wonderful holidays, from visiting friends and/or family to making sure the holiday meals are perfect.

Being an overly anxious person myself, I wanted to share some very basic remedies that I use to loosen my mind. What I have found is that when I am stressed, my mind is paralyzed. I can't think my way through a problem to save my life. How do I fix this?

This story might help... it's fictitious but illustrates my point:

Oh no! The beautiful chocolate cake I was baking fell! No time to start over. What do I do? Dessert is ruined!! I stand motionless, my mind reeling in circles. Unable to move, I'm just standing there wasting time being stressed. Got... to... do.... something!!

My first step is I force myself to breath in slow deep breaths. I suddenly realize I have been going nonstop for hours without any break. Fifteen minutes. The next fifteen minutes are going to be just for me. I force myself to leave the scene of my fallen star of dessert and light one of the scented candles set around the living room. Breathing in the scent of the candle, and watching the lazy dance of the flame, I feel myself start to breath slower naturally, instead of forced. It's almost like a form of meditation.

After a couple minutes, it just seems the right time to listen to my favorite song on the stereo. Yes, that's what I need. With the turned up the volume just a touch louder than usual and I dance wildly around the room... immediately transported to my happy state of mind. This song never fails me, and I sure am working off some stress jumping around like a maniac! Who cares how silly I look?! I'm home alone at the moment, and the cat and dog don't care, as long as I don't step on them.

Whew! Oh that feels better... I replay that song again, solidifying my still happy state of mind. Turning towards the dreaded kitchen I spy that big bowl of party mix ready to be snacked on, but not yet in serving bowls. It is beckoning. I bop a little less wildly to the music as I munch on some of the spicy mix, not even thinking that eating crunchy snacks relieves stress. It just tastes good! As I crunch, I start to regard that fallen cake out of the corner of my eye. The zinc and vitamin B12 in the breakfast cereals I used to make this yummy party mix is starting to kick in... of course! The answer is obvious...

My mind has loosened up and slowed down a bit. Panic is no longer guiding my thought process. The cake didn't fall that bad, it just doesn't look like the magazine picture where I got the recipe. No problem. Just a little last minute magic with some instant pudding, fresh fruit, and whipped cream, we have a dessert that is cake, creamy, fresh fruity goodness that should please everyone's taste. Perfect. Crisis averted.

The moral of this story: Just as big things come in small packages, the mind can reap huge benefits in just a small fifteen minute pocket of "me" time. In the story, I had aromatherapy, brief meditation, the escape of music, exercise in my wild dancing, and having a stress relieving crunchy snack packed with nutrients that help my body deal with stress better. Thus the needed solution came more easily.

In my own mental workings, I sometimes have to remind myself that it's ok to take that time. It does not hurt any schedule. It's stress and all its byproducts that wastes time. Don't let it. Loosen your mind.

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