Sunday, December 25, 2011

It Actually Was A Merry Christmas! ...until....

If you're surviving on a dirt poor budget, this time of year can be trying to the psyche. Though this feeling of downtrodden spirits is hard to ignore, the magic of Christmas is still out there. A great example of this point is how our Christmas went yesterday.

It is a time for realizing the gifts I already have. The gifts that keep on giving... like our precious neighbors. Many times they may not realize it, but their kindly visits, many times, come at the most perfect time of need, even if it's just a big hug and a shoulder to cry on. We're all in the same boat here, so we all understand that dirt poor survival can weigh heavy sometimes.

Then there was an actual Christmas get-together with neighbors and friends. Just got back from our closest neighbor (shout out to dreammaster333, thank you sooo much!). She served a wonderful meal full of the favorite comfort foods we all love. It was a precious gift sitting down to this lovely meal with friends we haven't spent quality time with in too long a time.

Then there was the most unexpected surprise of another friend showing up with loads of presents for everyone in the room. What an angel!

This was a truly blessed Christmas. We are wealthy in friendship. We were fed, and given presents, none of which were expected. It is the community and love energy that we all have for each other that make living in this park so special and the people so precious.

...and then...

Ok a bit of a back story

We haven't been away from our fuzzy critters (Spot and Tucker) for more than a couple hours at a time... well, for a long time.

So back to now... Upon our return home after three and a half hours, Spot decided to deliver her own personal gift to commemorate this day of love and giving.

Looking me straight in the eyes, our little angel dumped a load on my bed pillow giving her opinion of her humans being out of her command for more hours than she is accustomed. May I mention that her litter box was two feet away?

Whoever says pets don't communicate need to leave a comment. I beg to differ. She was using her own language. What a powerful message it was... and aromatic!

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