Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When the Low Times Happen

I know I've mentioned before, the importance of keeping a positive outlook, even in the face of adversity. Depression and worry slow down the mind... (at least it does mine). Staying positive increases your frequency and frees the mind to think constructively.

Still, however, we are all human beings and positive stamina sometimes can falter. This is where I am right now. I am trying to get myself out of it, and it takes much more discipline that one would think. I've decided to turn my thoughts inward and analyze, if I can, why I fell off the emotional cliff.

After giving it much thought, I came up with three main items that are weighing heavily on me. The first, and main one is the little bit of income we have coming in each month, has become unreliable. The payments do come on time, but the amount has begun to differ. Over the last three months the payments to us have gotten smaller and smaller. I'm terrified that the next one will be even smaller. This makes worse, an already bitter financial picture. What to do about it, I'm not sure. If I complain, the payments might stop, so my solution is to try to be as patient as possible and not to dwell on it, and use the time until the next payment is due as constructively as possible. The second, was because of the first, Nut and I exchanged words which was just being brought on by worry. We have since worked that out, so that item is eliminated.

The third is that, in my distress, I have turned a blind eye to those small little smiles, those simple pleasures that are right in front of me. I realized that I needed to slow down my mind and notice Tucker, his bright brown eyes looking expectantly for his morning cookie. Then there's Spot who relishes the fact that Tuck is standing still, and decides it's a good time to attack his hind leg. I made sweet potato bread this morning and it turned out good for an experiemental recipe. These are all positives that help raise my frequency and strengthen my resolve to be strong and survive DPS Club style. A more peaceful mind helps create more lucid thought.

Another good tool to fight the doldrums is thought replacement. I did this too. Do something for yourself that you enjoy. It's not wasting time. Think of the time wasted being depressed... you're not yourself therefore you are not being your best or working your best. So take a moment, and listen to a couple of your favorite tunes, or play one or two rounds of a computer game. Purge those negative feelings, and once again strive forward, with a smile on your face.

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