Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I'm Back... and Guess What Else!!!

Well, my little emotional catastophe from yesterday is done for now... I seem to have a stable outlook on things again, plus it has inspired me to resurrect an old friend.

Simple Life, Simple Pleasures is an older blog that fell by the wayside. Initially, when I started the blog, I wanted it be be a completely positive and happy. Well, at the time, around the date of the last post, life started getting very difficult. Rumors of possible layoffs at work were running rampant, and the worry factor was very high. This resulted in the negativity I was trying so hard to avoid in that blog... you know the ol' saying... "if you can't say anything nice....". So my posts stopped, as I continued on my downward spiral... or one could say, embarking on a significant change of life about which I now post in this blog.

I now realize that life is not just positive, nor is it only negative... it's a mix of both. Hopefully the balance tips more in the favor of positive, but the inevitable life challenges will still be there, as we saw yesterday.

Therefore, I wanted to continue Simple Life Simple Pleasures again, as a kind of blog basket catch all of anything positive in my life, no matter how small. My hope is that if any of you are needing ideas for a happy thought, come visit that blog. I kept the older posts because after re-reading them, they still brought me a smile. I hope it does for you too.

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