Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Pearl of Wisdom, A School of Thought

Not to worry folks, I'm not going to get philosophical on you too many times. I prefer to offer you, on this blog, common sense, possibilities, and simply somewhat of a diary that reflects what has become our current way of life.

That being said, I have had a couple things on my mind that I think about daily as mental help to get through any challenges that would come our way. Therefore I would be very selfish if I did not pass them on to you.

The pearl of wisdom comes from a man named Stephen Shellenberger aka Hobo Steve, who now appears occassionally on the Truther Girls vlog. In a nutshell, he went from successful actor, through a series of events beyond his control, to a homeless man. Despite all these extremely difficult obstacles, he developed a positive point of view about his life. Rather than paraphrase what he said, I would encourage you to watch the link posted just below and hear it from him. He has a strength of spirit and a positiveness that really inspired me, and I hope his words will affect you in the same way. Here's the link:

The School of Thought is, very simply the US Marines credo, which could actually be a DPS credo as well. I don't think this is the full Marine credo, but this is the part that I've lived by for years, even before our dirt poor survival situation. It reads as follows:

Improvise, Adapt, Overcome

Whenever things don't go right and I get that paralyzed feeling, not knowing what to do, I recite that credo in my head, and it slows me down to think more clearly, finding a solution to whatever problem is happening at the time.

I hope this helps, perspective-wise in surviving your DPS situation, especially if you are new to the club.

Stay strong, and keep surviving. We can overcome, if we improvise and adapt.

1 comment:

  1. I am Hobo Steve and I wanted to thank you for your kind words and love what you are doing on here! People will realize, sooner than later that we all are close to this situation and that judging anyone is a dangerous thang, haha!! Once again, thanks
