Thursday, October 6, 2011

High Frequency - Calling all Small Miracles!

Let me set the stage... we were out of money for this month. We needed drinking water (the water at the park is toxic) and didn't have even the change to get more at the water store. Our van was running on fumes so we were practically stranded, and we were also out of basic grocery items.

A side step to this story, is that we are entering into our fourth month taking care of some friends' yard here in the park, while they are out of state. Aside from the roses and flowers in their lovely yard, there are also tomatoes and sweet peppers. They have been producing well so another lady of our little park, works for a local deli and uses the peppers in her kitchen.

Well back to our little predicament... all we could do is just get through the day. The worst was being thirsty, but we were still able to deal. I decided to lay down. My sleep at night has not been so good lately, with the money worries... I know, I know... stay positive. A little nap and I'll wake up and somehow things will be better.

Nut woke me up an hour later, and as I was blinking the sleep out of my eyes, he holds out his hand... there's money in it!! It turns out that, while I was asleep, our deli neighbor paid us for allowing her to harvest some of the peppers of which we had been taking care. It was $7.00.

Ok some of you reading this may be wondering why seven bucks is so special on the grand scale of things. I didn't pay insurance, or any utilities... so what?! Well, I will tell you!

Two dollars went towards filling our eight water jugs at the water store. The remaining five went into the gas tank. No, it wasn't much, we all know the price of gas nowadays, but it did do this: Now that we had a bit more gas we could make it to the food bank, and get that box of food that we were really needing. Plus now we have enough gas to get to the next town, once we are paid this month's payment, so we can get the cheaper gas to fill the tank a bit more, and do the errands we need to do in that town each month.

This is part of what I talk about when, in the past, I've mentioned to try to take measures to stay as positive as possible in surviving whatever DPS situation you may currently be enduring. Positive energy brings in positive results. Positive energy equals high frequency. When you are in a positive happy state, or in a high frequency, think of what you really need at the time and make a wish. I'm not saying you can wish into existence a million dollars. If that were so, there would be no DPS. I'm just saying that even the smallest baby miracle can be a massive stepping stone in attaining other goals. Just remember to give thanks in your own special way, and keep that frequency soaring.

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