Thursday, February 2, 2012

Garden Update

First indoor

Our babies have grown!
Since pics speak louder than words some days, have a peek!

Next is the beefsteak tomato starts.
Trust me, they're little but they are there.

And now, the very happy indeed, jellybean tomatoes.

And here is the sweet corn so far. Little, but I think they're gathering strength.
Good things take time!

Outdoor garden

Review, in the two mini garden plots outside in our trailer site, we have planted:
  • spinach, a cold weather variety
  • collard greens
  • snow peas
  • globe radishes
Truth is, I knew I was jumping the gun planting this early. My experiment centered around planting cool weather seeds, even though the nights are still below freezing...but the days are in the 70's. I keep thinking there must be a balance in there somewhere. So far, though, there are no leaves peeking yet. I still have hope.

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