Sunday, January 29, 2012

Radishes and Peas

Got my eyeballs on another area in back of our site, not far from our first cold weather gardening experiment. In the photo you will notice, the middle of this spot is bamboo. This will be perfect for the sugar snap peas to climb up. In front of that area, I foundLink a seed packet of red globe radishes that sound wonderful. I can't wait for them to grow. I'm planting a bit heavy for a reason. When thinning out the plants, radish sprouts would be a lovely addition to that night's salad. yum!

Okay, radishes and peas planted. To prevent another litter box incident, we did the following:

I read about this in Mother Earth News. The article was about a couple that used really heavy fencing to keep their cattle out of their garden. We thought this chicken cage wire would be enough to deter our local fuzzy butts. This will work fine until the little baby leave start to peek through.

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