Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankful Mental Leftovers and Renewed Blessings

Forgive me, my readers, it has been two months since my last post!

I confess there is no lavish story of being stranded on a mountaintop with no GPS or supplies and hiking my way out of the wilderness within an inch of my life, staggering back into society, grateful to be alive. No, we're not talking that type of survival, here at Dirt Poor Survival....

No it was simply normal life. Computer breakdowns, internet challenges, and the horrifying world of bill paying all played a role in this tale. That's where it started, and that's where it continues. What is my latest lesson? That all this can happen, even during the holidays. No angels of mercy protect from this hardship... or do they?

Yes, they do, if you know where to look. I'm going to spare you all the details of our situation. It's probably not that different than anyone else down in the luck financially. The angels of mercy? They come in the form of wonderful community assistance programs, helpful friends, and generous family members, without whom we would be so much worse off than we are. We thank them all and are thankful and grateful they are in our lives.

Now this next one might be hard to swallow, but read through then think about it. I am thankful for the opportunity to practice how to cope with adverse conditions and learn new lessons and skills that I would not have normally learned, or even had an interest in learning, had we not been in this situation.

Does this mean that I'm grateful to be poor and destitute?... well, on the surface, I'll have to get back to ya. But after thinking seriously about my survival growth, I am grateful for all I've learned and am very grateful to have an avenue to document all these experiences and share with all of you.

Learning to adapt to a tougher life, strengthens resolve and developes a more positive attitude. You never know what your spirit may be made of until you are thrown into these situations, especially when it begins unexpectedly, as is for most of us.

One thing we can't deny. Life goes on no matter what. There are still lessons to be learned and homestyle survival skills to be practiced and shared with others. Just in typing this post, I have given myself a peptalk and I set forward with renewed blessings, which I, in turn, pass on to you.

Happy Holidays!

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