Saturday, September 17, 2011

Suburban Scavenging

I'm at McDonald's picking up my tray of the latest favs off the value menu. Naturally the next stop before I sit down, is the condiment area. There are people behind me, so I try to hurry as to not hold up the line. After getting my drink I rush and grab salt, pepper, straw and napkins, I sit down, salt my fries, pepper my burger or salad, pop a straw in my small drink. As I'm munching, I look down at my tray... oops... In my haste I grabbed way more seasonings, and napkins than I needed. Oh dear!

As I eat, I watch others finish their meals and take their trays to the garbage. I notice that they also accidently grabbed more packets and napkins than they could use as well. Into the garbage they go. Do I do the same? No.

I always carry with me a bag that can house my wallet, tissue, water and whatever could be needed when not at home. This time it will also carry my excess salt, pepper and napkins. Even though an accident, those have become free, scavenged goods to bring home to use.

Remember this is part of the DPS Credo which is make use of resources around you, even if they end up scattered on your lunch tray. Never waste. Always be thinking how you can use items that would normally be thrown away. There will be more posts on this subject in the future so do check back! I don't want you to miss a thing!!

If you have stories of your own suburban scavenge, comment below and share your story, my self and any other readers would love to hear it.

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