Friday, September 16, 2011

Love them Tomatoes!!

I love tomatoes in any way shape or form, beit sauce, casseroles, or in salads. I only just recently discovered the delicious loveliness of a fresh tomato sandwich. It's my new fav! Yummy!!!

I just also discovered an interesting addition to the tomato sandwich.

Thai basil.

The way this came about was accidental. We have been taking care of a couple of our friends yard while they were out of state. In that yard, there were delicious tomatoes, which they gave us free access to, since they wouldn't be there. Well there were a couple ripe ones which we picked when we were watering one morning, and their thai basil was going gang-busters. I have taken a recent interest in thai foods and flavors, so somehow, tomato and thai basil popped in my head and I had to give it a try. Note the DPS credo: make use of resources around you. Just remember we had permission. Never take out of turn.

Now let's get to the sandwich! Really simple!

2 slices of bread, (I used home baked bread) and dress both with mayo. On one side I covered with the thai basil leaves. On the other side, I seasoned with salt and pepper, then layered on the tomato slices. Before putting the two sides together to form the sandwich, I couldn't resist taking a pic of it. It was so colorful and lovely. Hubby Nut and I shared the sandwich for lunch.... yummy!!

Note: You may see the mug full of herbs in the background of the picture. That's the thai basil. When you pick herbs, put them in a container of water and store in the fridge. It will keep much better than in a plastic bag, especially if your fridge doesn't get as cold as it should. This helps!

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