Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Versatile Pistachio

When I think of pistachios, I think of one of my husband's favorite snack foods, and good thing too! Pistachios contain health properties promoting the health of heart, eyes and blood sugar. Healthy and he likes them! That's a bonus snack!

But that's just the nut. What about the shells?

They have their own set of uses. According to, they can be used to block the bottom hole of flower pots, used as mulch for acid-loving plants like roses (ours are going to be so happy this year!), or added to your compost.

I was thinking of trying another use as well, and that is to aerate my homemade planting soil for my gardening projects. I know, eventually, they will decompose, but that would take a year or two. Until then, in the absence of perlite, I'm going to try them to avoid soil compaction.

We have a baggie to add shells to, then we will begin the smashing process. When that happens, I'll bring you along. Should be fun!

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