Monday, September 19, 2011

Tasty Blast from the Past

A DPS lunch at it's best! The bread was homebaked by me, the tomatoes were from a friend's garden and the bacon was found in a lost, forgotten corner of the freezer.

Ah the BLT. The first bite of crunchy, fresh and salty goodness and my world is temporarily transformed. All I know for those few precious moments is that half of a sandwich (Nut and I shared a whole one). It was so yummy!

That is one thing I've found... when you're eyeball deep in a Dirt Poor Survival situation. Allow yourself the freedom to enjoy a wonderful moment. It's a container moment, a mini vacation if you will. Relish those moments, like a bite of a good sandwich or the purring of your cat as she's trying to steal your pillow while you're still laying on it... there are so many more. This is almost like a scavenge... keep your eyes open, this time for the cute, happy moments in life. We all need these for our mental strength and health.

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